trapped energy

8 Sources of Trapped Energy in the Body After Enduring Narcissistic Trauma

Maybe you have been on the healing and recovery path from narcissistic abuse for a while and can’t seem to understand why you have been struggling to get over the hump you are on and move forward on your journey. 

Did you know the body can store energy including trauma and this can have an impact on your healing journey? 

Today, we are going to share how trapped energy can accumulate in the body causing symptoms that you may not have known were connected.

Table of Contents

Have you Endured Psychological Manipulation?

Narcissistic abuse is a form of unique trauma and the healing path will be different to everyone. It’s a deeply personal journey of introspection, reflection, personal growth when someone or somethings have attempted to use psychological and emotional tactics for their own cause without care and concern for how you as a person are left. 

It’s cold and devious and the implications from narcissistic abuse are becoming more known as we gain more insight.

What is Trapped Energy

Trapped emotional energy in the body after narcissistic abuse is a complex and sensitive topic. The impact of this kind of abuse can be severe and long-lasting, leaving deep emotional scars that may persist even after the abusive relationship has ended.

When someone experiences narcissistic abuse, they often endure chronic emotional stress, feelings of worthlessness, self-doubt, and an erosion of self-esteem. The body and mind’s response to this prolonged trauma can lead to the accumulation of trapped emotional energy. This term is often used to describe the lingering emotional pain, negative thoughts, and unresolved feelings that remain within a person’s psyche even after the abuse has stopped

Some common ways of trapped emotional energy may remain in the body are:

Anxiety and HyperArousal

Survivors of narcissistic abuse often experience heightened anxiety and hyperarousal. This means they may be in a constant state of alertness, always anticipating danger or criticism. 

This hypervigilance is a coping mechanism that developed during the abusive relationship to anticipate the narcissist’s moods and reactions. Even after the relationship ends, this pattern of hyperarousal can persist, making it difficult for the survivor to relax and feel safe.

Depression and Emotional Numbness

The emotional turmoil caused by narcissistic abuse can lead to feelings of depression and emotional numbness. Survivors may struggle to experience positive emotions and may feel emotionally detached from themselves and their surroundings. 

The persistent negative messages and devaluation from the narcissist can contribute to a sense of hopelessness and despair.

Intrusive Thoughts and Flashbacks

Trapped emotional energy can lead to intrusive thoughts and flashbacks, where memories of the abusive experiences resurface unexpectedly. These distressing memories can be triggered by various stimuli, causing the survivor to relive the trauma. Intrusive thoughts and flashbacks can be extremely distressing and disruptive to daily life.

Guilt and Self-Blame

Survivors of narcissistic abuse often internalize the blame for the mistreatment they endured. The narcissist’s manipulation and gaslighting can lead the survivor to believe that they are at fault for the abuse. This internalized guilt and self-blame can persist even after the relationship ends, affecting the survivor’s self-esteem and self-worth.

Physical Symptoms

Trapped emotional energy can manifest in physical symptoms due to the mind-body connection. Chronic stress and emotional distress can lead to physical ailments such as headaches, stomachaches, muscle tension, and fatigue. The body’s stress response can become dysregulated, contributing to ongoing physical discomfort.

Difficulty Trusting Others

After experiencing betrayal and manipulation in an abusive relationship, survivors may find it challenging to trust others. The emotional wounds from the past can lead to skepticism and fear of getting hurt again, making it difficult to form new relationships or fully engage with others.


Hypervigilance is the state of being constantly on guard, scanning the environment for potential threats. Survivors of narcissistic abuse may exhibit hypervigilant behavior as a result of the need to anticipate the narcissist’s unpredictable actions. 

This heightened awareness can persist even after the abusive relationship ends, making it hard for the survivor to relax and feel secure.

Feeling Overwhelmed

Trapped emotional energy can lead to a sense of feeling overwhelmed by emotions and daily challenges. The survivor may struggle to manage their emotional responses, leading to emotional outbursts, mood swings, and a sense of being unable to cope with stressors.

Lowered Ability to Concentrate

Trapped emotional energy resulting from narcissistic abuse can also significantly impact a survivor’s cognitive functioning, including their ability to concentrate and focus. The ongoing stress, anxiety, and emotional turmoil experienced during the abusive relationship can lead to cognitive disruptions. Survivors may find it challenging to concentrate on tasks, make decisions, or engage in activities that require sustained attention.

The lowered ability to concentrate may stem from several factors:

  • Distracting Intrusive Thoughts: Intrusive thoughts related to the abusive experiences can intrude upon a survivor’s thoughts, diverting their attention away from the task at hand. These thoughts can be distressing and difficult to control, making it hard to focus on other matters.

  • Heightened Stress Response: The body’s stress response, which is often triggered by memories or reminders of the abuse, can lead to physiological changes that interfere with cognitive functioning. Increased heart rate, shallow breathing, and a heightened state of alertness can all contribute to difficulties in concentration.

  • Emotional Overload: Trapped emotional energy can overwhelm a survivor’s cognitive resources. Emotional distress and unresolved feelings may consume mental energy that

Impact on Daily Life: The inability or lowered ability to concentrate can have significant implications for a survivor’s daily life. It may affect their work performance, academic achievements, and overall productivity. In social settings, difficulty concentrating can hinder meaningful interactions and limit their engagement with others.

Trapped emotional energy resulting from narcissistic abuse can leave deep imprints on both the mind and body, causing a range of distressing symptoms that persist long after the abusive relationship has ended. 

The journey to healing from such trauma requires immense courage, self-compassion, and a willingness to confront the pain that has been internalized. Remember, you are not alone on this path, and seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. By acknowledging and addressing these emotional wounds, you are taking an important step toward reclaiming your sense of self and well-being.

Helpful Tips to Release Trapped Energy

Here are some compassionate steps you can take to address trapped emotional energy and promote healing:

  • Seek Professional Support: Engaging in therapy, particularly trauma-focused therapy like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or EMDR, can provide you with tools to process and release trapped emotions, manage symptoms, and rebuild a sense of control.

  • Practice Self-Compassion: Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer to a friend. Be patient with your healing journey and recognize that healing takes time.

  • Engage in Mindfulness: Mindfulness techniques, such as meditation, deep breathing, and body scanning, can help you stay grounded in the present moment, reduce intrusive thoughts, and manage anxiety.

  • Connect with Supportive People: Surround yourself with friends, family, or support groups where you can share your experiences, receive validation, and feel understood.

  • Prioritize Self-Care: Engage in activities that bring you joy, relaxation, and a sense of well-being. Taking care of your physical health through exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate rest is equally important.

  • Express Emotions Creatively: Writing, art, music, and other creative outlets can provide a safe space to express and process your emotions.

  • Set Healthy Boundaries: Learn to set and maintain healthy boundaries in your relationships to prevent further emotional harm and create a safe environment for yourself.

  • Practice Gratitude: Focusing on the positive aspects of your life and cultivating a sense of gratitude can help shift your perspective and enhance your overall well-being.

  • Engage in Positive Affirmations: Replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations that empower and uplift you.

  • Explore Somatic Healing: Practices like yoga, tai chi, and somatic experiencing can help release trapped emotions stored in the body and promote a sense of balance.

  • Educate Yourself: Understanding the effects of narcissistic abuse and its impact on emotional well-being can empower you to navigate your healing journey more effectively. Read our blog, subscribe and have access to the tools to help you move forward in your journey.

  • Celebrate Progress: Acknowledge and celebrate even the smallest steps forward in your healing process. Every positive change matters.

Remember that healing is a unique and personal journey.

While the road may be challenging, with time, patience, and the right support, you can release trapped emotional energy, reclaim your inner strength, and rediscover a whole new you.

  1. Have you ever experienced the lingering effects of emotional pain after a difficult relationship, and how did you cope with it?

  2. What self-care strategies have you found most effective in releasing trapped emotional energy and promoting emotional healing?

  3. Are there specific ways you’ve managed to rebuild trust and form new connections after experiencing the impact of narcissistic abuse on your relationships?

trapped energy trapped energy trapped energy trapped energy trapped energy trapped energy trapped energy trapped energy trapped energy trapped energy


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