weaponized incompetence

Women and the Invisible Burden of Emotional Labor: 4 Ways to Detect Weaponized Incompetence

Note: While this article addresses gender roles, please feel free to swap the roles accordingly.

In households worldwide, an often unacknowledged dynamic has prevailed for years – the unequal distribution of emotional labor, primarily borne by women.

It’s interesting that now, this topic is trending…and I’m glad it is, but it’s a sensitive one to discuss in some places and you will see why…

Emotional labor refers to the invisible work involved in managing and regulating emotions, maintaining relationships, and organizing the household.

In this article, we will delve into the concept of weaponized incompetence, a brief history on it, and we are going to list several examples so you can try to detect it.  In addition, we touch on the need for shared emotional labor in the home, and, examine what is really going on behind the scenes and why this role has historically fallen to women to handle, and more…

Is weaponized incompetence another way to subjugate women, is it abuse? Is it emotional manipulation? If you have been following us for some time, you know we have a few things to share on this topic.

Let’s dive in.

Table of Contents

Brief History of Weaponized Incompetence

Weaponized incompetence is deeply rooted in patriarchal systems, stretching back through generations. Traditional gender roles often assigned women the role of caregiver and homemaker, leaving men ‘exempt’ from emotional labor.

As a result, women have shouldered the emotional burdens of maintaining relationships, managing household chores, and ensuring the smooth functioning of family life.

Examples of Weaponized Incompetence

Management of Household Chores

One common example involves men feigning incompetence in domestic tasks such as cooking, cleaning, or even managing household finances.

This behavior allows them to avoid the responsibilities associated with emotional labor, leaving women to carry the burden alone.


Many women experience weaponized incompetence when their partners claim ignorance or helplessness in matters related to parenting and childcare. This includes avoiding participation in decision-making, leaving women to handle the emotional, mental, and physical demands of raising children.

Emotional Support

Women often find themselves as the primary emotional support system for their partners. Men may employ weaponized incompetence by refusing to engage in open communication or invalidating women’s emotions, (or they may even stonewall) thereby avoiding their share of emotional labor within the relationship.

Management of Social Calendar

Women frequently bear the burden of organizing social events, maintaining friendships, and managing family relationships. This includes remembering birthdays, planning gatherings, and mediating conflicts.

Weaponized incompetence can manifest when men consistently rely on women to handle these tasks, absolving themselves of emotional labor.

Common Phrases

Oh, but you’re so good at it.

I don’t know where the spatulas go.

I’m not sure what soap to use.

I just got home from work and I’m tired…

They like you more…

Weaponized incompetence, with its insidious nature, not only places an unfair burden on women but also has detrimental effects on relationships.

Is Weaponized Incompetence Ab&se?

Weaponized incompetence can be considered a form of emotional abuse within relationships. While it may not involve overt acts of aggression or physical harm, it inflicts emotional harm by intentionally manipulating and undermining the emotional labor and well-being of a partner, primarily women.

Here’s why weaponized incompetence can be seen as a form of abuse:

Power and Control

Weaponized incompetence allows one party to exert power and control over their partner by avoiding responsibilities and burdening the other party with the emotional labor. A narcissist is one who routinely avoids responsibility.

By feigning incompetence or refusing to contribute, one party maintains a position of dominance and control in the relationship.

Emotional Manipulation

One party uses weaponized incompetence as a tactic to manipulate their partner’s emotions and behaviors. They may create a sense of dependency or helplessness in their partner, leading them to believe that they are incapable or inadequate in performing certain tasks, thus perpetuating the power imbalance.

Psychological Impact

The consistent experience of weaponized incompetence can lead to significant psychological distress for the woman. It erodes their self-esteem, creates feelings of worthlessness, and instills a sense of being trapped or unable to escape the emotional burden imposed upon them. This can even lead to cognitive dissonance.

The long-term effects of weaponized incompetence can be profound and damaging. It can erode the woman’s sense of self-worth, create long-lasting emotional scars, and perpetuate a cycle of unequal power dynamics and emotional abuse within the relationship.

Is it Manipulation?

Absolutely. It is behaving one way to directly influence an outcome (a desired outcome) of a situation.

How Weaponized Incompetence Destroys Relationships

Emotional Exhaustion

Constantly carrying the weight of emotional labor can lead to deep-seated resentment and emotional exhaustion in women. When one partner consistently employs weaponized incompetence, the other partner feels overwhelmed, undervalued, and emotionally drained. This resentment can erode the foundation of trust and intimacy within the relationship.

Breakdown of Communication

When one party is made to take on the weight of the emotional labor in a relationship consistently, they may start to feel alone in the relationship (married but alone, for example), may start to feel like their partner is not really into the relationship, that it’s one-sided, that there is not a mutual sharing of responsibility. When communication breaks down, this opens the door for miscommunication in various forms, where one party may not even feel heard or validated.

Personal Growth Stifled

When one party is mostly responsible for a task, or to carry the emotional labor, it limits personal growth. 

When women consistently assume the role of emotional caregivers, their own personal goals, aspirations, and self-care may often take a backseat.

The party employing weaponized incompetence misses out on the opportunity to develop emotional intelligence and cultivate a deeper understanding of themselves and their relationships, which they may view as weakness, so they avoid and pass off the responsibility to their other partner, typically women. 

It is crucial to recognize weaponized incompetence as a form of abuse and take steps to address and overcome it. Supportive networks, counseling, and education on healthy relationship dynamics can assist in breaking free from the cycle of emotional abuse and fostering a more equitable and respectful partnership.

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