
90 Damaging Effects From Being in a Relationship with a Narcissist or Having Grown Up in a Narcissistic Environment

If you have ever been in a relationship with a narcissist, or perhaps you have grown up in a narcissistic family environment, or maybe it was a boss you had or even a friend…in this article we are going to list out the damaging or ill effects of being in a relationship with a narcissist. 

Now, while this list is long, please note, everyone’s experience is different, so not all will apply to everyone’s situation. 

Table of Contents

Emotional and Psychological Effects

  1. Low self-esteem
  2. Constant self-doubt
  3. Anxiety
  4. Depression
  5. Mood swings
  6. Emotional exhaustion
  7. Feeling trapped
  8. Guilt and self-blame
  9. Feeling isolated from others
  10. Emotional numbness
  11. Fear of abandonment
  12. Fear of confrontation
  13. Suicidal thoughts
  14. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  15. Loss of identity
  16. Cognitive dissonance (conflicting beliefs)
  17. Obsessive thinking about the narcissist
  18. Difficulty trusting others
  19. Feeling controlled and manipulated
  20. Feeling like you’re walking on eggshells

Social and Interpersonal Effects

  1. Isolation from friends and family
  2. Alienation from support networks
  3. Strained relationships with loved ones
  4. Loss of social activities
  5. Difficulty making new friends
  6. Negative impact on career or education
  7. Neglect of hobbies and interests
  8. Decline in social skills
  9. Distrust of others’ intentions
  10. Jealousy of others’ healthy relationships
  11. Alienation from mutual friends
  12. Disruption of familial bonds
  13. Difficulty forming new relationships

Behavorial and Cognitive Effects

  1. People-pleasing behavior
  2. Codependency
  3. Overanalyzing situations
  4. Avoidance of conflict
  5. Perfectionism
  6. Self-sabotage
  7. Loss of decision-making confidence
  8. Obsessive-compulsive tendencies
  9. Exaggerated focus on appearance
  10. Inability to set boundaries
  11. Difficulty expressing emotions
  12. Compromised ability to assert oneself
  13. Minimization of personal needs
  14. Disbelief in one’s intuition
  15. Frequent self-criticism

Physical Effects

  1. Sleep disturbances
  2. Weight fluctuations
  3. Increased stress levels
  4. Digestive issues
  5. High blood pressure
  6. Chronic headaches
  7. Weakened immune system
  8. Fatigue
  9. Heart palpitations
  10. Muscle tension and pain
  11. Increased risk of cardiovascular problems
  12. Compromised self-care routines

Financial Damaging Effects

  1. Financial exploitation
  2. Manipulation of joint finances
  3. Sabotage of career or work opportunities
  4. Economic dependence on the narcissist
  5. Accumulation of debt
  6. Neglected financial goals

Coping Mechanisms and Coping Effects

  1. Substance abuse
  2. Overeating or undereating
  3. Self-harm
  4. Escapism through media or entertainment
  5. Binge-watching TV or movies
  6. Excessive shopping
  7. Compulsive behaviors
  8. Emotional eating

Parenting and Family Effects

  1. Negative impact on children’s well-being
  2. Co-parenting difficulties
  3. Confusion in parenting roles
  4. Emotional neglect of children
  5. Disruption of family stability

Spiritual and Existential Effects

  1. Questioning one’s purpose and meaning
  2. Loss of spiritual beliefs
  3. Diminished sense of hope
  4. Existential crisis

Long Term Effects

  1. Development of complex trauma
  2. Challenges in future relationships
  3. Inability to fully trust again
  4. Lingering feelings of worthlessness
  5. Intergenerational transmission of narcissism
  6. Struggles with emotional intimacy
  7. Lifetime impact on mental health

Related: Don’t Engage – Run for the Hills!

I am sure there are others…please feel free to add additional in the comments. My heart is with everyone who is currently either any of the stages of being with a narcissist. 

How to Undo All the Damage? Yes, You Can Do It!

As someone who has been through the trenches, I wanted to share additional on some of the things I wish I knew much younger in life and hope you may find the value in the following – Like and Share.

Here’s what I wish I had known to avoid being in a relationship with a narcissist:

  • Trust Your Gut: If something feels off or too good to be true, it probably is. Listen to your intuition and don’t dismiss those uneasy feelings.

  • Set Boundaries Early: Don’t be afraid to set boundaries and communicate your needs from the start. A healthy partner will respect them, while a narcissist will push against them.

  • Pay Attention to Red Flags: Look for consistent patterns of manipulation, grandiosity, and lack of empathy. Don’t ignore these signs, even if you’re charmed by their initial behavior.

  • Value Your Identity: Remember your worth and maintain your sense of self. A narcissist may try to diminish your self-esteem, but you deserve to be valued and loved for who you are.

  • Build a Support System: Keep your connections with friends and family strong. An isolating partner is a warning sign; healthy relationships encourage social connections.

  • Healthy Conflict Resolution: Address conflicts openly and respectfully. If your partner avoids responsibility, blames you, or turns minor disagreements into major issues, be cautious.

  • Guard Your Finances: Maintain financial independence and be cautious about sharing financial information. Narcissists may exploit financial vulnerabilities.

  • Observe Their Treatment of Others: Watch how your partner interacts with family, friends, and strangers. Their behavior towards others can reveal a lot about their true character.

  • Educate Yourself: Learn about narcissism and abusive behaviors. Awareness is your armor against falling for manipulation tactics.

  • Prioritize Self-Care: Take care of your physical and emotional well-being. A narcissist may drain your energy; self-care helps you stay strong.

  • Seek Professional Help: If you notice a consistent pattern of negative emotions, consider therapy. A therapist can provide guidance and help you maintain a healthy perspective.

  • Stay Connected to Your Passions: Don’t give up your hobbies and interests for the sake of the relationship. Your passions help maintain your sense of self.

  • Healthy Relationships Have Equality: In a healthy partnership, decisions are made together. If your partner always needs to be in control, it’s a warning sign.

  • Be Wary of Love-Bombing: While attention and affection can be wonderful, rapid and excessive displays of affection might be a tactic to manipulate you.

  • Know Your Worth: Understand that you deserve respect, kindness, and love. Don’t settle for less, even if a narcissist tries to convince you otherwise.

  • Communicate Openly: Address concerns openly and honestly. If your partner reacts with anger, defensiveness, or gaslighting, be cautious.

  • Validate Your Feelings: Your emotions are valid. Don’t let a narcissist convince you that your feelings are irrational or unimportant.

  • Healthy Relationships Evolve: Relationships should grow and adapt over time. If your partner remains stagnant or is unwilling to change hurtful behaviors, reassess the situation.

  • Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself. Healing from narcissistic abuse takes time, so give yourself permission to feel and process your emotions.

  • Believe in a Better Future: Remember that healing is possible, and you can find genuine love and happiness outside of an abusive relationship.

Comments are open, feel free to share and provide your story.

damaging damaging damaging damaging damaging damaging


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