Coloring as an Adult

The Reemergence of Coloring as an Adult: 4 Incredible Reasons Why It's Making a ComebacK

Can Coloring as and Adult Help to Unlock Creativity after Narcissistic Abuse? Can it Aid in the Healing Journey?

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Narcissistic abuse is a harrowing experience that can leave deep emotional wounds.

Recovering from this trauma requires a multifaceted approach, and one surprising avenue to aid in healing and recovery is coloring as an adult.

Engaging in this seemingly simple activity can help resurface your creative side, provide a safe space for self-expression, and allow you to escape into a colorful world of your own creation.

In this article, we will explore how coloring as an adult can be a powerful tool to heal from narcissistic abuse trauma.

Table of Contents

Luke and Leia Publishing

The Reemergence of Adult Coloring

Coloring has experienced a remarkable reemergence as a popular activity for adults in recent years.

Once seen as a pastime solely for children, it has now become a trendy and therapeutic practice for people of all ages.

This resurgence can be attributed to its ability to provide stress relief, mindfulness, and a break from technology-dominated lifestyles.

With a wide variety of adult coloring books, intricate designs, and a multitude of coloring materials available, it has become a creative outlet that allows individuals to tap into their imagination, unleash their inner artist, and find a sense of calm in our fast-paced world.

1. Resurface Your Creative Side

Coloring as an adult provides a unique opportunity to reconnect with your innate creativity, which may have been stifled or suppressed during the abusive relationship.

Here, creativity doesn’t refer to artistic talent, but rather to the act of tapping into your imagination and exploring your inner world.

By selecting colors, deciding on shading techniques, and bringing life to intricate designs, you are engaging in a creative process that can reignite your passion for self-expression.

Coloring allows you to step away from the rigid structures and expectations imposed by narcissistic abusers, giving you the freedom to experiment, make choices, and explore without fear of judgment.

As you reconnect with your creative side, you begin to rebuild your sense of self, gaining confidence in your ability to make decisions and express your unique perspective.

Note: When I tapped into my creative side, which died years and years ago, it was like I found a whole new world. I love to create. I love colors and all that goes with it. I love to widen my creative territory and moved into creating videos and much more. This was an area that was largely overlooked until I spent time doing it and realized how much I loved it.

2. Safe Space for Self-Expression

One of the most profound effects of narcissistic abuse is the erosion of your sense of self.

Coloring as an adult offers a safe space where you can be yourself, free from the fear of criticism or judgment.

It becomes an oasis of self-expression, allowing you to communicate your thoughts, feelings, and experiences through color and design.

In this realm, you have complete control over your creative choices.

You can decide which colors to use, how to blend them, and even modify the designs to reflect your mood or emotions.

This sense of agency and autonomy empowers you, reminding you that your voice and choices matter.

As you express yourself through coloring, you begin to rebuild your self-esteem and re-establish your identity independent of the abusive relationship.

3. Escape into a Colorful World

Coloring as an adult provides a soothing and immersive experience that offers respite from the pain and trauma of narcissistic abuse.

Engaging in this activity creates a portal to a colorful world that you alone create and can enjoy.

It allows you to escape the harsh realities of your past and present, even if only for a little while, and immerse yourself in a vibrant and captivating realm.

As you focus on the intricate details of the coloring page, your mind enters a state of flow.

This state of deep concentration and absorption allows you to temporarily set aside negative thoughts and emotions, providing a much-needed break from the pain.

The meditative nature of coloring can promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, and contribute to your overall well-being.

4. Fostering Mindfulness and Self-Care

Coloring as an adult is a form of mindfulness practice that encourages you to be fully present in the moment.

As you engage with the colors and patterns, you become aware of your breath, your body, and the sensations of the present experience.

This mindfulness practice can be a powerful tool in your healing journey, helping you cultivate self-awareness, manage stress, and develop coping mechanisms.

In addition, coloring can be an act of self-care. By setting aside time for yourself to engage in this activity, you send a powerful message that you deserve nurturing and attention.

It becomes an act of self-love, allowing you to prioritize your well-being and establish healthy boundaries.

Recovery Takes Time

Remember that healing from narcissistic abuse takes time, patience, and a variety of approaches – there is not just one set path to recovery. 

On our site we have a plethora of information, tools, and we have taken a deep dive into the tactics to assist you in your journey in recovering from narcissistic abuse. The road to recovery is not liner, it can be a windy path to self-discovery and we may learn much about ourselves, in the process. 

Too, while the process in recovery can absolutely be painful as we grow and stretch learning/or spending time with a hobby such as coloring may help to soothe our minds in the process. 


Adult Coloring: Surface Your Creativity

Coloring can be a valuable addition to your healing toolbox, offering a joyful and fulfilling way to reconnect with yourself and your inner strength.

It’s a journey of self-discovery, self-compassion, and growth.

So, pick up those colored pencils, markers, or crayons. Dive into the world of coloring as an adult and let its transformative powers guide you toward healing, creativity, and self-expression.

Embrace the freedom it offers, the judgment-free space it provides, and the vibrant escape it creates.

As you embark on this colorful journey, may you find solace, empowerment, and the strength to overcome the scars of narcissistic abuse and embrace a brighter, more authentic future.

Have you started to color more as an adult? Have you started to resurface your creative side and allowed yourself to express yourself in your healing journey in new ways? Drop a note or comment below and let us know!

coloring as an adult coloring as an adult coloring as an adult coloring as an adult coloring as an adult


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